Beyond Resources Control


Harvard Business School defines entrepreneurship as the pursuit of opportunities beyond resources control. It means that the amount of resources is not a determinant of one’s pursuit of greater things. We believe that this definition is not just meant for entrepreneurship but also for academic excellence.

Our twin scholars could surely attest to that! There was a financial challenge in their family as the school year 2013-2014 started and through our partners’ support, we were able to provide educational assistance to the twins. As the school year ended, all their labor and hard work were surely rewarded! They were part of the overall roster of honor students in Grade 8.  Erika is top 2 and Joy is top 8!  The resources were limited for the two but it did not stop them from pursuing greater things, greater opportunities in life. One more important thing to remember is that they did it all for the Lord, keeping in mind this verse as they go through the school year:


Truly, all your support paid off. Their testimony is a proof that we can excel regardless of certain limitations surrounding us… and together, we can make a difference. Thank you for covering them with prayers and for supporting their education.
